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Student Achievements 2017-18

    26 Oct, 2018,

100 General Championships

The Institute won 21 General Championships at various State and National Level
Management Event from July 2017 t

  • April 2018.
    • 8 General Championships Outside State
    • 5 General Championships Outside District
    • 7 General Championships in Belgaum City
    • 1 General Championships in Rural Place

    1. General Championship at “Niravana” organized by St. Joseph’s College Calicut, Kerala

    • Adarsha Gulabani, Raashi Shirguppi, Sneha Malkari and Yashika Jain won the
      first prize in HR,
    • Naman Jain, Kaushal Ladhad, Ruchi Porwal and Sohail Karwar won the second
      prize in Best Management team event,
    • Ariyan Dharwadkar won third prize in Virtual Game and
    • Divyesh Thakkar won third prize in photography event.

    2. General Championship “Inflore” organized by Raajgiri College of Commerce, Kochi,

    • Mohd Sameer Sanaullah, Sagar Mahajan, Shrihari Kakade and Ariyan
      Dharwadkar won the first prize in Marketing.
    • Nikhil Karwa and Rajat Modi won the first prize in Operations.

    3. General Championship at “Revaloysius”organized by St Aloysious College, Trisur, Kerala

    • Raashi Shirguppi, Vaishnavi Kulkarni, Shruti Hangirgekar, Sanket Satardekar
      won the 1st Prize in Theme Game
    • Pruthvi Balekundri, Kaushal Ladhad, Abhishek Sharma, Nomaan Syed won the 2nd Prize in Best Management Team.

    4. General Championship at “Odyssey” organized by Saraswat College, Goa

    • Naman Jain won the first prize in Finance.
    • Himanshu Chaturvedi won the second prize in Best Manager.
    • Aditya Shetti won the second prize in Marketing.
    • Adarsha Gulabani won the second prize in HR

    5. General Championship at “ Impressions-2017” organized by Rosary College, Goa

    • Arbaz Jamadar won the first prize in Business Quiz,
    • Ruchi Porwal first prize in Finance Management.
    • Shruti Tenginkai won the second prize in Best Manager,
    • Sohail Karwar won the second prize in Marketing Management and
    • Rajat Modi won second prize in Entrepreneurship Development.

    6. General Championship “Lakshya” organized by MES College, Goa

    • Rajat Modi won 2nd Prize in Finance
    • Arbaz Jamadar won 2nd Prize in NGO Management
    • Sushant Sherigar won the 2nd Prize, and
    • Entire team won 2nd Prize in Team work event.

    7. General Championship at “Arena” organized bySt Xaviers College, Goa.

    • Vaishnavi Kulkarni won in Creative Skills
    • Raksha Kolvekar won in Painting
    • Sufiyan Sanadi won in Photography
    • Sohail Karwar and Raashi Shirguppi won 2nd Prize in Debate
    • Entire team won 2nd Prize in Team work

    8. General Championship at “Bravolia” organized by SRM College Kudal, Maharashtra.

    • Arbaaz Jamadar won in Logo Quiz
    • Aditya Shetty, Aditya Gangannavar, Sushant Sherigar and Dhanraj Chikorde won 2nd Prize in Admad Show
    • Sohail Karwar won in Extempore
    • Vishal Upadhye and Rajat Modi won 3rd Prize in Finance

    9. Runners up General Championship at “Spinout” organized by St Aloysious College Mangalore.

    • Adnan Darga and Arbaaz Jamadar won the 1st Prize in Quiz

    10. General Championship at “Navigate 2018” organized by Maps College Mangalore.

    • Pruthvi Balekundri won the best manager
    • Arbaz Jamadar and Adnan Darga won the first prize in Business Quiz
    • Aditya Shetti and Mohd Sameer Sanaullah won the first prize in Marketing
    • Vishal Upadhye and Saif Khan won the first prize in Finance.

    11. General Championship at “N-IGMA” organized by NITTE College Karkala.

    • Arbaz Jamadar and Adnan Darga won the first prize in Business Quiz.
    • Vishal Upadhye won the first prize in finance.
    • Mohd Sameer Sanaullah won the first prize in crisis management.
    • Nikhil Karwa, Sohail Karwar and Dhanraj Chikorde won the first prize in

    12. General Championship at “Cavalcade” organized by Jain College, Hubli

    • Sushant Sherigar won the first prize in Corporate Strategy.
    • Naman Jain won the first prize in Finance.
    • Adarsha Gulabani won the first prize in HR.
    • Sufiyan Sanadi won the first prize in photography.
    • Arbaz Jamadar won the second prize in Business Quiz.

    13. General Championship at “Mad’s Meet” organized IMSR Hubli.

    • Mohd Sameer Sanaullah won the Best Manager.
    • Arbaz Jamadar & Himanshu Chaturvedi won the first prize in Business Quiz.
    • The entire team including Sadaf Mulla and Rajat Modi won the first prize in

    14. General Championship at “Advaith” organized by Gogte Institute of Technology [MBA],

    • Arbaz Jamadar and Adnan Darga won the first prize in Business Quiz
    • Yogesh Jelgudekar & Sachin Nandennavar won the second prize in Business Quiz
    • Sadaf Mulla & Rishab Kore won the first prize in Debate
    • Shruti Tenginkai and Shruti Hangirgekar won the second prize in Debate.

    15. General Championship at “Acumen” organized by Gogte College of Commerce,

    16. General Championship at “Envisage” organized by Jain College of BBA, Belagavi

    • Sushant Sherigar won the first prize in crisis
    • Naman Jain won the first prize in Finance
    • Adarsha Gulabani won the second prize in HR &
    • Arbaz Jamadar and Adnan Darga won the second prize in Quiz

    17. General Championship at “Samagam – 18” organized by Institute of Management
    Education and Research, Belagavi.

    • Arbaz Jamadar & Adnan Darga won the first prize in Business Quiz
    • Yogesh Jelgudekar & Basit Desai won the second prize in Business Quiz.
    • Aditya Shetti, Naman Jain & Adarsha Gulabani won the second prize in Flagship
      (Best Management team) event.
    • Pruthvi Balekundri & Vaishnavi Kulkarni won the second prize in CSR event.
    • Divyesh thakkar won the first prize and Sufiyan Sanadi won the second prize in
    • Mehek Saith and Raashi Shiraguppi won the special jury award in CSR event

    18. General Championship at “Expressions – 18” organized by VTU, Belagavi.

    • Himanshu Chaturvedi won the Best Manager.
    • Arbaz Jamadar & Sushant Sherigar won the first prize in Business Plan.
    • Aditya Shetti & Mohd Sameer Sanaullah won the first prize in Marketing.
    • Vishal Upadhye and Rajat Modi won the first prize in Finance.
    • Nameeta Gasti and Sadaf Mulla won the first prize in HR.
    • Divyesh Thakkar won the first prize in Photography.

    19. General Championship at “ Adhyay 2K17” organized by Jain College of Engineering
    [MBA], Belagavi

    • Mehek Saith won the Best Manager.
    • Adnan Darga and Yogesh Jelgudekar won the first prize Business Quiz.
    • Aditya Shetti, Aditya Gangannavar and Kartik Shah won the first prize in
    • Vishal Upadhye and Shruti Patil won the first prize in finance.
    • Nameeta Gasti and Aisha Sajan won the first prize in HR.
    • The entire team won the first prize in Icebreaker

    20. General Championship at “ Majali Memorial” organized by R L Law College, Belagavi

    • Sohail Karwar & Sadaf Mulla won the GC Trophy
    • Sohail Karwar won the second prize individually

    21. General Championship at Management Fest organized by Banhatti College.

    • Madeeha Sayyed won the Best Manager
    • AbdulBasit Desai and Prajwal Koti won the Business Quiz
    • Karan Purohit and Shubham Habib won the First Prize in Finance
    • Mithushal Kandula, Shashikant Patil, Kunal Chougule and Arbaaz Maniyar won
      the Second Prize in Marketing